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Töxik Death – Sepulchral Demons (Umlaut is Okay Sometimes Thrash)

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Töxik Death – Sepulchral Demons (Umlaut is Okay Sometimes Thrash)

  I’m waiting for the day I tire of blackened thrash and I’m like yeah okay heard this, heard that, yeah okay, I’m done. But we’re not there yet. The more bands toss little experiments in there, the less likely it’s going to be soon. In this case even a goddamned umlaut wasn’t enough to […]

Atramentus – Stygian (Reminder, Funeral Doom is Good)

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Atramentus – Stygian (Reminder, Funeral Doom is Good)

  This came at the perfect time because I feel like I needed a reminder that funeral doom can be good. Well, maybe the reminder is more for you actually, cause like I knew that shit already. And this reminder (for you) is being brought to us today by Atramentus, who come from some unspecified […]

Siege Column – Darkside Legions (Xerox Notebook Torture Art Filth Metal)

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Siege Column – Darkside Legions (Xerox Notebook Torture Art Filth Metal)

  Ah yes, so happy to see these guys emerging again from their rank cavern dungeon along the rotting ship banks of New Jersey filth waters where they lurk. And I love getting out mouthfuls of cruddy words to say it. Siege Column already perfected their socially awkward, emotionally abused metalhead scribbling murder art sound, […]

Rope Sect – The Great Flood (Sentimental Moan Rock)

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Rope Sect – The Great Flood (Sentimental Moan Rock)

  Well I meant to get on this one before release but a tree hit our house so like that was more important I guess. Rope Sect I’ve heard before and I’m glad to see a furtherance of the band’s signature sound of seclusion in this latest sampling of post-punk, quasi-Goth, death rock, moan metal […]

Angel Morgue – In the Morgue of Angels (The Redundant of Blasphemous Death Metal)

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Angel Morgue – In the Morgue of Angels (The Redundant of Blasphemous Death Metal)

  I was trying to figure out why in the hell I enjoyed any bit of this after a few listens in spite of its seemingly redundant approach. I mean just look at that cover. Though cool, it couldn’t possible be more redundant. Titling an album In the Morgue of Angels when you’ve already covered […]

Sanity Control – War on Life (Thrash on Stereotype)

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Sanity Control – War on Life (Thrash on Stereotype)

  Man this wants to be so crossover even the art is freaking crossing that over. Attempting to combine all the best junk from thrash, punk, hardcore, and whatever else crossover is supposed to be, Sanity Control are the true spirit of this style, but not truly the art. Perhaps too true for their own […]

Ox Hunger – Gloss on the Blood (Body Horror Dysmorphic Noise)

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Ox Hunger – Gloss on the Blood (Body Horror Dysmorphic Noise)

  What perfectly distressed sounds. What pain and suffering. What loathing of the self. Ox Hunger I would normally have passed on because the promo arrived so far past release date (February in this case), but as I often say it’s rare I get music of this type that’s one, good, and two, hmm, good. […]

Oppress – No. Pity. (Repugnant Feast on My Loins Ambient Black Metal)

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Oppress – No. Pity. (Repugnant Feast on My Loins Ambient Black Metal)

  Well here’s one that looks dumb if you crop the art the right way (go back to main page). Jesus lady face so sad? Oh, and she’s, oh… Props for the Aubrey Beardsley look, it’s for sure something most people will miss, but now that we’ve got past the cover how fare the tunes? […]

Fleshdriver – Leech (Almost Tiresome Death Metal)

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Fleshdriver – Leech (Almost Tiresome Death Metal)

  Well, here’s a release that almost wears out its welcome but manages to press a smile into your cheeks anyway. Carrying on the tradition of Floridian death metal come Fleshdriver, a drum and guitar tag team that, to date, have but two singles and Leech, a demo, to their name. For lacking bass and […]

Drouth – Excerpts from a Dread Liturgy (Black Metal Manifest)

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Drouth – Excerpts from a Dread Liturgy (Black Metal Manifest)

  Wow, I ended up liking this one more than I expected. Leave it to US black metal to excite me again, after months and months of drudgery. I was getting sick of the snowstorm tremolo, the corpse paint no one remembers the purpose of anymore, the lo-fi ” but that’s how it’s supposed to […]