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Hexorcist – Evil Reaping Death (Old School Florida Death Metal Lol)

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Hexorcist – Evil Reaping Death (Old School Florida Death Metal Lol)

  Oh great, here we have some more old school death metal. Can you take any more? Can I? Well, if it’s stuff like Miami Florida-based Hexorcist, then the answer is actually yes, believe it or not. But what does this type of sound entail? I could drop names to make it clear, but for […]

Exil – Warning (An EXciting Hardcore Punk EXperience)

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Exil – Warning (An EXciting Hardcore Punk EXperience)

  Gawsh finally some more hardcore punk ass shit for me to review that got me pretty EXcited. Enough that I decided to EXpress myself by capitalizing two letters for some reason in some sick attempt to verify my own EXistence. Can you blame me? I was getting sick of all the trash I receive […]

Severed Boy – Tragic Encounters (Body Horror Death Doom)

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Severed Boy – Tragic Encounters (Body Horror Death Doom)

  Well here’s a repulsive crusher I can utilize to summon various references to awful things of the human body. I figured with the dejected lump of grief flesh on the cover it would be so, but sometimes you don’t know. Cover art is only the beginning of the journey, never the end. Featuring two […]

Malgöth – Primordial Dawn (Psychotic Death Metal)

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Malgöth – Primordial Dawn (Psychotic Death Metal)

  So I was in the mood for some absolutely bestial, war-torn, tortuous death metal today and wow here I get some psychotic stuff instead (that’s better). Canadian pummel lords Malgöth are one of those random Iron Bonehead releases that just came out of frikken nowhere. Though at least one of the members has an […]

Video Nasty – S/T (OMG Yes Please More Crossover Thrash)

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Video Nasty – S/T (OMG Yes Please More Crossover Thrash)

  Oh my god… Oh god. OH GOD. OMG. HOLY SHIT OMG. Please more! Please! I mean I could get into some sex talk here about this one but Video Nasty is too good for that kind of low-brow criticism analogy. But seriously OMG holy shit give it to me. When I see anyone referencing […]

Black Ceremonial Kult – Crowned in Chaos (Murderous Blackened Death Metal)

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Black Ceremonial Kult – Crowned in Chaos (Murderous Blackened Death Metal)

  Woah boy is this good. Yep, it will murder you. Yet another killer release to add to the “Chilean blackened freaks” category I’ve found much delight in in the past decade. What are the other bands I can recall? Who cares, because this is MFin Black Ceremonial Kult fools, so let’s stay focused on […]

Lucifer’s Hammer – The Trip (WTF Do You Want? Dark Fantasy Metal)

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Lucifer’s Hammer – The Trip (WTF Do You Want? Dark Fantasy Metal)

  This is such a pleasant release. I’m not sure how else to begin except by saying WTF do you want? Take a band from Chile, which named themselves after a Larry Niven book (and were not the first to do it), toss in fantasy, sci-fi generalities, and old school heavy metal, and you get […]

Gorgon – Traditio Satanae (Black Punk or Something)

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Gorgon – Traditio Satanae (Black Punk or Something)

  The modern French vein of post-black metal has been a personal favorite of mine for some years, which has sadly led me to ignore much of the classic coming out of France simply out of habit. Gorgon has been in the scene since black metal became a “thing” back in the early 1990s, and […]

Casket – Urn (It’s in the Details Death Metal)

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Casket – Urn (It’s in the Details Death Metal)

  Here we have a seasoned band adjusted to the level of “very.” In death metal that means one of two things. One, you never learned how to deviate and develop, or two, you tried but failed to grasp modern death metal’s current trends and just sound geriatric. Germany’s Casket, to our delight, are neither […]

Awaketh – S/T (OMG It’s Raw Black Metal)

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Awaketh – S/T (OMG It’s Raw Black Metal)

  I normally veer off the path of comp releases. I get it, vltra rariade demo tapes are hard to legit come by without bootlegging from a YouTube MP3 download, but do we really need that stuff repressed in any format? Sometimes, I guess, but to make it tasty you need to toss in some […]